July 4th, 2026, is the 250th birthday of the United States of America. Unlike other countries, The United States was founded on a set of ideals stated in the Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” 

A government derives its legitimacy and authority from the consent of people with equal rights and serves and protects their interests and rights. This is the definition of “government of the people, by the people and for the people” (Lincoln).

The democratic system of separation of powers established by the U.S. Constitution is the great American Experiment under these founding principles. The United States is a nation formed by many people who have experienced similar struggles and overcome various challenges. This shared history of striving for freedom unites all Americans. Defending the principles upon which this country was founded is a common aspiration of all Americans.

Although we are still on the journey to fully realize this American ideal more than two centuries later, the concept that all men are created equal and have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness still serves as the Shining City on a hill, attracting people from all corners of the world to this promising land. The Declaration of Independence laid the foundation for this great nation and is a milestone for human progress. This is why we commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

The commemoration activities aim to empower first-generation Chinese immigrants to overcome the psychological barrier from sojourners to citizens and inspire Chinese descendants to take pride in their heritage while loving the United States. Most importantly, we shall remember that Chinese Americans are Americans and are an integral part of the American fabric. We share a common destiny with all Americans, and our future is here in the United States. With this conviction, the Chinese American community shall move beyond heritage preservation, civil rights advocacy, and political participation to actively contribute and take on leadership roles. Over the next twenty years, as the United States transitions into an AI-empowered pluralistic society, Chinese Americans will make unique contributions to the future of this great nation, fundamentally improving our status, transforming our image, and becoming an indispensable part of mainstream society.

Call for Action:

  1. Establish a Commemoration Committee to plan and coordinate the commemorating activities for the 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
  2. Establish a website to advocate for the initiative, provide relevant information, and document commemoration activities.
  3. Design, promote, and sell commemorative souvenirs.
  4. Establish a Chinese-American Coalition for America 250 Commemoration and invite individuals and organizations to register and join the coalition.
  5. Encourage Chinese American organizations to collaborate with Americans of all ethnic backgrounds in organizing commemorative activities, both before and on July 4, 2026. These activities should focus on the founding principles of the United States, the historical contributions of Chinese Americans, and meeting the challenges facing America to achieve justice, equality, and shared prosperity for Americans of all racial and ethnic backgrounds.
  6. Actively engage with other ethnic groups and the mainstream’s commemoration and celebration activities, such as America250.
  7. Establish a Chinese-American media coalition to publish articles recommended by the Commemoration Committee and report on significant events.
  8. Publish a commemoration book, pictures, and videos by the Commemoration Committee after July 4, 2026.

Initiators (in alphabetical order of last name):

Celine Fang, Cathy Huang, Steven Hugh, Chuck Li, Lewis Liu, Charley Lu, Zhida Song-James, Ji Su, David Sun, Wenbin Yuan, Heping Xu, Ran Yang, and Xiaoyan Zhang (drafter).